Your First Massage Therapy Session

There are many settings in which one can receive a massage, as well as many reasons for seeking out this type of service. Spas, clinics, wellness centers, rehabilitation clinics, and hospitals are to name just a few. Private practice massage therapy is fast growing and can offer you a wonderful experience as well as addressing a variety of concerns you may have from physical, to stress, or just wanting to pamper yourself.
Schedule you very first session when you are not rushed and can arrive before your allotted time. In the days before your session, drink plenty of water and don’t eat right before your appointment.
Be prepared to give a fairly extensive health history. Some therapists have the questionnaire on line or will send it to you ahead of time. Some of the information that may be asked includes medical conditions, areas of concern, your current level of pain or discomfort, and more.
It’s important to be as honest as possible, as massage could affect multiple body systems such as cardiovascular and nervous systems. The therapist may also ask about prescriptions and over the counter drugs you may be taking. This is all vital information and helps the therapist determine the best course of action for you to meet your needs and goals.
You will be given privacy to disrobe and to lie on a table with a sheet to cover you. Make sure to let the therapist know if you are uncomfortable for any reason or if you prefer not to be touched in certain areas. A professional therapist will never touch or ask you to expose genitals or breasts.
The room should be a comfortable temperature for you and often there is quiet music playing. Relax your muscles and remember to breathe. Try to block out the stressors of your day and let your mind go.
Your therapist is a professional. It doesn’t matter if you forgot to shave your legs and things of that nature. A good therapist is sensitive to a client’s feeling self-conscious about their body and will make every attempt to make you feel safe and secure.
Open communication with your massage therapist is key to getting the most out of your sessions. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and let your therapist know what you liked and what you didn’t.