Let The Music Play!
Music is powerful on many levels. It has a unique connection to us emotionally. It matters not in what form, some people sing, some play...

Your First Massage Therapy Session
There are many settings in which one can receive a massage, as well as many reasons for seeking out this type of service. Spas, clinics,...

It's a Heat Wave
There are so many things to consider when we think about over-all wellness and really taking care of our bodies. As we are in the midst...

Seniors and Massage
One of the fastest growing segments of the population is the 65 and over folks, also referred to as seniors. As this group grows, so...

It’s All About the Feet
With 26 bones and a vast array of muscles, tendons and ligaments, your feet are just too important to be overlooked. You probably don’t...

Take Care of Yourself First!
Taking care of you first is a foreign concept to many that were taught from a young age that serving others should be the priority. Many...

What is Reiki?
The term Reiki is actually a combination of Japanese and Chinese characters. “Rei” refers to spiritual or supernatural and “ki” refers to...

Mindfulness Meditation
What is mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally focusing your attention on the present moment—and...

The Healing Power of Touch
Massage Therapy can have many surprising benefits

Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage has a different focus from what relaxation massage offers. Typically a client seeks the help of a professional...